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November Newsletter: Tips for Chiropractic Adjustment Aftercare

Woman enjoys healthy meal.

Tips for Chiropractic Adjustment Aftercare

You've just arrived home from your visit with the chiropractor and feel wonderful. Your headache is gone, your neck and back feel great, and your limbs are loose and limber. Unfortunately, that amazing post-care treatment feeling tends to fade after a few days. If you'd like to extend your adjustment effects, try a few of these aftercare tips.

Take It Easy

Although you may feel like you could do absolutely anything after your adjustment, participating in strenuous exercise or activities could undo the results of your treatment and delay healing. Strenuous activities, like weightlifting or replacing the toilet in the guest bathroom, could cause misalignments, or subluxations, in the vertebrae in your back. When the vertebrae aren't correctly aligned, stress on your soft tissues and nerves increases, causing pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion. If you want to maximize the effects of your treatment, it's best to avoid vigorous activity for a day or two. Less stressful forms of exercise, like walking or swimming, are best soon after your treatment.

Do Your Exercises

Your chiropractic treatment plan probably includes exercises and stretches designed to enhance and prolong the effects of your treatment. Stretches keep your muscles, tissues, and joints limber, while exercises strengthen the muscles that support your bones and joints. Performing the stretches and exercises every day is a simple way to prevent or reduce joint and muscle pain. Regular exercise also improves blood flow, prevents scar tissue formation, and could improve your stamina and balance.

Drink Up

Chiropractic adjustments may release toxins that trigger pain and inflammation. Once the toxins are released, they're naturally eliminated from the body. Drinking water speeds the removal of toxins from your body, preventing lingering pain or stiffness. Not sure how much water you should drink? Harvard Health Publishing recommends drinking four to six cups of water per day, although the ideal water intake varies depending on activity level, air temperature, and age.

Focus on Your Movements and Posture

Painting the ceiling, weeding your garden, or other chores that involve holding your body in the same position aren't recommended after a chiropractic adjustment. These types of activities stress the muscles, which then tug on your vertebrae and move them out of alignment. Paying attention to your posture when you're sitting, standing, and walking will help you avoid painful subluxations.

Smooth, fluid movements are important after an adjustment. Jerky or abrupt movements can also lead to strained or stressed tissues, joint pain, or subluxations.

Stay Away from That Comfy Chair

Sitting may seem like the ideal way to take it easy after your chiropractic visit. Unfortunately, the longer you sit, the more likely it is that you'll experience a return of pain. Sitting, particularly if you don't pay attention to your posture, can strain muscles in your neck, upper back, and shoulders, causing subluxations.

Sitting may also shorten the muscles in your pelvis and hips, causing them to tighten and trigger lower back pain. You can reverse the negative effects of sitting by getting up and walking or stretching periodically for a few minutes. Try to stretch or walk every 30 to 60 minutes.

Nurture Your Body with Healthy Food

Chiropractic treatments naturally reduce inflammation, a key factor in pain. After an adjustment, the last thing you'll want to do is eat foods that boost inflammation. According to WebMD, these foods can cause inflammation:

  • Whole Milk
  • Cheese
  • Butter
  • Margarine
  • Fried Foods
  • Fatty Meats
  • Processed Meat, like Hot Dogs, Bacon, and Lunch Meat
  • Sugary Foods and Drinks
  • Coffee Creamer

Stick to foods that won't increase inflammation, like fresh fruits and vegetables, chicken, poultry, fish, and lean meat. Substitute whole grain bread and pasta for varieties made with white flour. Reduce or eliminate sugar in your diet, and stick to low-fat, high-fiber foods. Although a piece of birthday cake or sugary soda or fruit drink is fine for an occasional treat, indulging in high-sugar foods on a regular basis keeps inflammation high.

In addition to following aftercare recommendations, scheduling regular chiropractic visits will help you avoid pain and flexibility issues. Get in touch with our office to schedule your appointments.


Harvard Health Publishing: How Much Water Should You Drink?, 5/22/2023

Yale Medicine: Why Is Sitting so Bad for Us?, 8/28/2019

WebMD: Natural Anti-Inflammatory Diet, 11/24/2022

Mayo Clinic: Why You Should Strengthen Your Core Muscles, 9/22/2022


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  • "I was having headaches everyday due to concussions. My moods were unpredictable and I always felt like I was in a fog. I would have migraines at least once a week. I just didn't feel right and no one was able to tell me what was wrong. The neurologists I went to see would simply say I needed time to rest my brain after a concussion. They didn't tell me what part of my brain was affected or offer any form of treatment. I was frustrated and looking for anything to make me feel better. I went to Dr. Ruben as a last hope. Little did I know he was exactly what I needed. Dr. Ruben took his time to find out exactly what was wrong with me, bringing me not only piece of mind but also a solution. Today, I am feeling more like myself again. I haven't had a migraine in over two months and I can't remember the last time I had a headache. It was the first time in a long time that I felt like a doctor really cared. Thank you Dr. Ruben for giving me my life back!"
    Katie B. SMU Soccer
  • "I have been to other chiropractors, but none have provided the care or knowledge I received from Dr. St. Laurent. He was able to find the root causes to improve my brain chemistry. His understanding of neurology and adjusting techniques had me back on my feet in a few days with less visits."
    Liza L.